Saturday, June 30, 2007

Think positive! (and get packing!!)

If there is anything Alan does consistently, it is be inconsistent! He slept great Thursday night, and slept all the way until 7:45 Friday morning. Last night we had a hard time getting him to sleep, and now he has been awake since 5:30!! Not great since we are making a 4 hour (one way) round trip drive today. I'm not exactly happy I lost my last hour of sleep before such a long day. Ah well, we'll see if Mr. Unpredictable will at least sleep in the car.

Not much to tell from yesterday. Greg & Dale went out together just before lunch for some errands. Alan & I never left the house all day. We also never got any mail at all yesterday...which means no wallet. :( Which means no driver's license, which means I can't help Greg with our drive today. :( I really hate that.

Dale played in the pool for a little while late in the afternoon. My mom & dad came over for supper - odds and ends other than the zucchini fritters I made from the huge zucchini Greg's mom gave us. Dale was so cuddly before bedtime, so we let him stay up and watch tv with us a little later than his usual bedtime. He is usually not a snuggly kid, so when he climbed onto the couch with me & settled in, I couldn't resist. (Don't tell him though, or he'd want to cuddle up for late bedtime every night!) :)
Earlier in the day we all watched a show together on Animal Planet about a baby camel in a small family-owned zoo. Towards the end of the show, the mother camel died of bone cancer and everyone was sad. This is the first time Dale has asked many questions about dying. He wanted to know what happened to the camel, why, where it was and how it got there. I felt so unprepared! I told him 'animal heaven'. Okaaaay....that's a far stretch and nothing that I actually believe, but it was the best I could do at the time. He asked why it died and I was sitting there trying to think of an answer other than "it was sick" since I have heard that some kids hear something like that and think they or their family will die when they get sick. Greg said, "It was sick." Ok. We obviously haven't been reading the same material! :) So I added, "She was a LOT sick." Oh yeah, mom's really on a roll. After he asked how it got to 'animal heaven' (I cringe here), I was still trying to think of an answer when he answered himself: Something about a good spell, or a good camel spell or something. I just let that one go. If we were talking about a person I would have felt better about my answers, but a camel?! But I'd rather talk about mama camels than real mamas. If I'm lucky he won't make the association this time. (Thanks a LOT Animal Planet!!)

Well, lucky me, Alan is back asleep and my alarm just went off (time to wake up!), so I will go start my day now. Got some gathering, packing and getting ready to do. (Yeah, ideally you'd do more of that the night before, but then there's no time for baby camels!!) :)

1 comment:

fairenuff said...

How about this one....

The camel got the hump and went away!

Ha ha plonk... me laughing my head off!!

I love your blog, keep it up. Now I'm off in search of jelly sweets and its all your fault!