Monday, June 11, 2007

Reading, rotting, and taking-a-dip

Sniff. Smell that? Kind of...rotten?....spoiled? I can identify that for you in one word: Alan! Lol. Yes....we've done it to ourselves. Mr. Alan Hold-me-all-the-time Devine. And don't just hold me - keep me moving; give me variety! :) We sat him in his high-chair at supper tonight, right up to the table with us. He was happy there, but not for long. Pretty quick he was whimpering and whining, and lost interest in his sweet potatoes after just a few bites. (But boy did he keep watching Dale!) Moved him to his 'usual' place in Daddy's lap, and Wow! - was he happy! Slapped the table, leaned in for every bite of sweet potatoes. And that was when I knew - yep ... we've spoiled him. *Sigh* Oh's easier at this point to keep doing what we're doing that try to undo. There will be plenty of time for 'doing it right' when he's feeling better. :)

Does this face really look like it could be spoiled?!?
(notice The Tube is missing...stinker pulled it out Saturday night! We took the opportunity for lots of pics.) :)

AND....can't believe I didn't tell this first.....Dale can READ!!! :) We've been seeing it coming, but that boy is really really reading! It's so exciting! Of course, he is at the very earliest stages, but he is off to a great start. :) He was tearing up Hop on Pop this evening before bed. I'm so proud of him! :) We had kind of slacked off on reading to him in the last couple of months, then a few weeks ago I decided it was important to re-start our reading time. Then with the start of the summer reading program at the library last week, things are definitely taking off.

Mama & Dale reading Cat in the Hat a week or two ago.

We got Dale a little back-yard swimming pool this weekend. He took his first swim Sunday afternoon. By Sunday evening Alan was wanting in on the action...and he loved it! (and this is the same baby who doesn't like baths!) We started him sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water. He'd kick and splash and wiggle, and we kept moving him down until he was sitting on the bottom of the pool, water chest-deep. He kept kicking those feet, slapping the water with his hands. That would splash his face - he'd be startled for a split second then get excited and do it all over again.

Daddy went out today and bought the smaller-size pool to fill with sand for Dale to have a sandbox. Dale has been loving that as much as the pool. :)

Alan is still in his 'early-riser' phase, so I really, really, really need to get to bed! 6:00 keeps coming earlier every morning! :)

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