Thursday, September 6, 2007

School? yeah, sure, ok...

I started not to blog tonight, but I know that you all are anxiously waiting to hear how Dale's first day of preschool went. ;) Based on his demeanor when I picked him up I'd say he was marvelously underwhelmed. Hmph. I think he had a good time... ?

He was really excited before we left this morning. Eager ... ready to go. Had a good breakfast, took our first-day-of-school picture and off we went.

I walked him in and he looked around at everything in wonder, like he'd never seen it before. Never mind that he'd been there 2 days before and didn't have a moment's hesitation then. But he hung up his backpack and was guided into the toy room with the other 2 or 3 kids who were already there. He didn't mind at all when I told him bye and left. He was checking out all the toys and talking to his director. I on the other hand was extremely disappointed to have to go - I wanted to see what all they did and 'play' along!! :) But Alan and I went back home and had a nice morning together. I rearranged some toys in Alan's room and he actually had a mid-morning nap! He hasn't done that in weeks!!!
Headed out to pick Dale up just before 11:00, eager to hear all his first-day adventures. He didn't offer much info that I didn't ask specifically for. More than anything he was interested in his prize from the prize box for staying in his seat (a paper party-favor blower roll-up horn know what I'm talking those things have a name?). I was very pleased to see his behavior report was green for 'awesome day'. :) Yay Dale! I looked through his folder of papers he had made and worked on. Again - he didn't seem all that excited to show me. Hmmm. Maybe the first day was just a lot to take in. Maybe it's the maleness in him. I think next time I'm not going to ask any questions. I'm just going to give him 1,000 details of mine and Alan's morning to show him how a 'report' is done!! :)

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