Monday, February 11, 2013

Brooklyn's Spiritual Side (is lacking)

We've recently gotten back into the habit of having a family devotion time most evenings.  

Like anything else that goes on around here, you never know what may happen. Lately Brooklyn has taken it upon herself to keep these times interesting.

Our bedtime prayers routine with the boys involves taking turns saying our "thank yous" and "please helps" from the youngest to the oldest: Tyler, Alan, Dale, Mama, Daddy.

Someone is usually bouncing Daniel and Brooklyn tends to roam free.  Did you catch that? Brooklyn roams free.  That explains a lot already, doesn't it?

One night last week we had each said our prayers and Daddy was finishing us up, when without warning Brooklyn turned on the nearby cd player.  Which was on the radio setting.  So in the middle of our talking-to-God thoughts, we are interrupted by the middle of a blaring.... Bohemian Rhapsody. 

 Which is, unfortunately, not nearly as funny in the retelling as it was at the time.

Trust me, it's tough to keep (and regain) your composure after that.

And speaking of composure, none of us even tried tonight with Brooklyn's second stunt.  Her timing in impeccable.  

Greg had read Psalm 24:1-2 about the earth being the Lord's and everything in it.  We were talking about contentment with what we have when Greg quoted Paul from I Timothy 6:8.

Greg: "and having food and raiment let us therewith be content."

Lightening McQueen, quite enthusiastically: "that's what I"m talking about!!"
 (via a toy button pushed by Brooklyn)

You know how Lightening loves his meat & taters!


Kristin said...

The retelling was pretty funny! Matt and I both lol-ed. Twice!

Lois said...

I've never commented yet, I don't believe. I HAD to this time! That was too, too funny! I could just imagine the same scenario in our home, with our 4 young children. I really enjoy reading your blog, and appreciate all pictures. Keep up your courage in the calling of being a Christian mother. It's not easy....I KNOW, but oh, so worth it.