In the last six weeks we have:
- Covered most major stories from the book of Genesis, and made 20 notebooking pages over them.
- Covered most major stories from the book of Genesis, and made 20 notebooking pages over them.
- Started the book of Exodus
- Made a rainbow on the wall with a mirror and a tub of water
- Studied wasps, cicadas, grasshoppers, ladybugs, lightening bugs, and spiders
- Added 11 pages to our science notebook
- Finished 4 chapters from Story of the World
- Added 5 pages to our history notebook
- Made Dale's name in hieroglyphs in a scroll
- Made a pyramid out of legos
- Checked out approximately 150 books from our library
- Memorized a spider poem
- Learned a new memory verse
- Adapted to a consistent weekly schedule
- Written 24 handwriting practice pages
- Finished 23 math workbook exercises and several worksheets
- Observed a huge snapping turtle, a cicada eaten alive, a spider in a jar. The snapping turtle and the spider were released. Can't say the same for the cicada.
- All those assorted things like math games, phonics workbook pages, and learning videos, and misc. workbook pages, and real-life learning that can so easily fall through the memory cracks!
- more time reading aloud / actually finishing a read aloud in a week or two
- more memory work (poems, Bible verses, etc)
- more craft time / projects
Okay, so I can think of lots of things I'd like to improve on, but as far as school goes, I'm happy with what we are accomplishing so far! Especially the fact that I have started each week with lesson plans in place, and (even if it takes an extra day or two) we have finished everything (of significance) that was planned. Yay!
Wow! That is all so awesome!
I wish my school was as exciting. :(
I'm almost done! YAY!!!
Hi Amy,
You are one busy mom!!! You are also very blessed with two soon to-be three boys. Enjoy them while they are young! Thanks for stopping by my blog and adding your sweet comment on my 090909 post. Made me smile. See :-)
And little Alan is absorbing so much of it! Wonderful! I like how organized you are and keeping track of your progress is great.
Are you familiar with The Pioneer Woman? She homeschools, too.
That is an impressive recap...and with another on the way - I'm hoping that you are feeling good! Homeschooling really sounds like fun at your house!
Wow- notebooking the whole book of Genesis is quite an accomplishment!
Wow! You're doing great!
Wow - thanks you guys! I wasn't fishing for complements, but I'll certainly take them. ;)
Linda - I used to read The Pioneer Woman quite regularly. She cracks me up!
Thanks Jennifer, I have been feeling great. The second trimester is treating me very well!
You are doing great! Really organized! Go girl!!!
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