Sunday, August 12, 2007

Simple Gifts

Remember that turtle that we rescued from the street and put in the backyard? .... It's still there!! Greg told me last night that he has had to move it the last two times he has mowed to keep from running over it. It is living under a bush that grows right next to the fence. (Actually, this particular bush sort of grows out from under the fence...we pulled it up when we put the fence in, but it has come back as strong as ever!).
This discovery came after Dale's bedtime last night, so he doesn't know yet. Probably best for the turtle if Dale didn't know, lol! Anyway, we decided he probably had plenty to eat, but might be thirsty since it hasn't rained in a couple of weeks. We took the water hose and sprayed down the turtle, his bush, and the grass around it pretty good. It occurred to us later it's probably been getting water from the dew every morning, but ... oh well. What turtle doesn't appreciate a good shower every now and then!? :)

I've noticed myself lately very sincerely thanking God for the simplest little things. One of the more recent ones was stain remover. This was after treating and then washing Dale's new white shirt from Mimi after it got a big drop of strawberry on it. It was the first time he wore it! I put stain remover on it immediately, and it came out of the wash the next day as white as ever, without a hint of strawberry.
Thanking God (out loud!) for something as simple as stain remover got me to thinking...
God gives us all sort of gifts like that: simple little things to make our lives easier, more enjoyable, or sweeter in some little way. How often are gifts like that there for the taking, and we don't acknowledge the Giver? Or even just not accept the gift? How silly it would be of me to regret the stain in Dale's new shirt, and never use the 'cure' that sat on my shelf.
It is the same with much bigger and more important gifts too: God has given us 24/7 access to Him through prayer and His love letter to us, the Bible, but we often ignore those gifts. Instead, we try to struggle through on our own, stressing over the 'stains' in our day.
And of course, there is the biggest gift of all: God's Son, who gave his own life for us. His live, the only gift that can ever wash away the stains of our sins and imperfections. The only gift that gives us life forever. And all we have to do is accept that gift. But we must accept it. No matter what we do, our stains of sin will never be washed away with the gift of God's Son sitting on the shelf.
Thank you, Lord, for all of your gifts, both great and small!! :)


Lisa said...

What a clear and perfect illustration! I pray that message touches every person that reads your blog.

Michelle said...

Amen, and thank you God for stain remover! :-)