Monday, July 30, 2007

Feeding pump blues and blue kazoos

Well! My week got off to an early start... 2am!! We have decided that our new pump wasn't calibrated right - it ran for 2 hours past when all the formula was supposed to be gone, and there was still some left! This meant Alan was hungry and woke up to nurse both Saturday and Sunday nights. So - he woke up around 2:00 this morning, but after I nursed him, he was wide awake. Greg was up with me, so at 2:30 we decided to take shifts sitting up with him. I went first. I made a dumb move trying to lay Alan down to change a diaper in the living room floor and tore his tube from the tape and nearly pulled it out! Greg had barely had time to get back to sleep, Alan was screaming, and I had to yell for help down the hall. Oops. I really felt bad all the way around about that one. I was supposed to wake Greg up for his shift at 3:30, but at 3:35 I laid Alan down asleep in his bed. Whew.
We traded for a new pump today, so hopefully tonight he will sleep through and get his whole feed.

Today was another Music Monday. Dale seems more open to songs and singing when it is part of a theme. Usually he'll try to make me stop, but today he seemed pretty interested. We sang the "Good morning to you" song at breakfast, a new one for him. We also got out the instrument box again today - Alan always enjoys that, too.

During Alan's morning nap we made a kazoo. Toilet paper tube, painted, with wax paper glued over the end. I was thrilled when Dale picked it up to play it and it really sounded like a kazoo!!

Greg is officially back to work for this school year now. We've been really spoiled the past few years with him being able to come home for lunch and even occasionally for a few minutes during the day. Now, after 2 whole months of all being together all day every day, Daddy is gone to work alllllll day. Not only that, but we've added on an hour+ commute!! :(
It was pretty funny though... he got home tonight just after 6. I had supper ready and the table set and everything. At one point getting ready for him to get home, I felt like I was playing house. Later Greg commented on the funny feeling of being a stereo-typical Dad...coming in to dinner on the table, 2 little kids playing. ....oh anyway... I guess you had to be there...but it was funny to us. :)

Even though it was a loooong day, both boys were really good. Alan had two great naps, and other than constantly asking to go somewhere, Dale behaved himself too. It seemed like we spent a lot of time just playing - and I even got in about a 30 minute nap too! :)

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