I don't know about where you live, but where I live we have hit the second half of summer. We were blessed with a mild first half. You know, the kind where you sit outside and can say, "oh yes, isn't this nice? It's summer!" without just melting.
And now we have crossed over into the melting part. 100+ degree days.

If you have central air conditioning days like that can keep it running almost constantly and that is, of course, very, very.. 'spensive.
What I have discovered is that as it gets hotter outside, you can move your thermostat up on those hotter days and afternoons and stay just as cool as on the 'average' hot days.
So as the day progress and the sun gets higher and hotter and the ac is running more and more, I'll walk by and bump up the thermostat a degree or two.
I think it is the difference between the temperature outside and the temp inside that keeps you comfortable, not what the actual temp inside is.
So we try to go by how we feel and not what "the number" on the thermostat says. As the day winds down and I've been cooking or it's cooling down outside, if we are feeling warm, we lower it some. We stay plenty cool and hopefully save some $$ in the process.
To see how other bloggers are being frugal, go see Crystal at Biblical Womanhood! :)
How do you stay cool this time of year? Any tips?
I agree that it is more the difference between the inside and outside temps than the actual inside temp!
We turn the air off at night if it isn't to humid. Put fans in the bedroom windows to keep the air moving. In the morning the AC goes back on. It is off for at least 8 hours that way.
We have ceiling fans in most rooms, and we also have other fans running too where we stay most. Also,keep the sun out, we close all windows on the west with room darkening shades or blinds. Central air keeps it comfortable and fans keep the air moving.
The dryer also eats electricity. The last couple of weeks, I have been hanging my sheets outside to dry....beetul
I agree! Humidty also plays a big roll here, but just having the A/C on takes care of that. We've got about 3 more months of A/C life....ugh.
I'm like you - I live in the Deep South where A/C is a MUST. We turn ours up every day when we leave the house in the morning and it has cut back significantly on our bill. I agree with you - I think it's just the difference in the inside & outside temps.
It's supposed to be 114 here in AZ today, I'm too hot to move to the thermostat. Thanks for these great tips! Typing has made me break out in a sweat! Don't let em tell ya it's a dry heat out here.
Paddling pools with cold water and lots of ice lollies!
ps, I found your new website address.
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