Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Forecast

This Thanksgiving Eve has been a busy day. I've done a good bit of cooking in preparation for tomorrow, and I'm making more food tomorrow than I have any other year.

I'm roasting my first turkey! It is sitting in a brine right now, hopefully to be all moist and tender... but isn't that everyone's goal for their Thanksgiving turkey?

I assembled my first Thanksgiving dressing. I've made dressing before, but never for Tgiving day!

In addition to the cooking, the weather also added to the feel of it being Thanksgiving. After several days of highs in the 70s, a cold front blew in just after lunch. Greg and the boys and I went out on the porch to see it in. Sure enough, within a few minutes, the wind picked up, great big raindrops plopped down here and there, and the air turned crisp as the temperature dropped about 15 degrees!

So after today, and with cooking and weather being two of my interests, I want to share what my mom sent me (she saw it on the internet):

Thanksgiving Forecast:
Turkeys will thaw in the morning, then warm in the oven to an afternoon high near 190F. The kitchen will turn hot and humid, and if you bother the cook, be ready for a severe squall or cold shoulder.
During the late afternoon and evening, the cold front of a knife will slice through the turkey, causing an accumulation of one to two inches on plates. Mashed potatoes will drift across one side while cranberry sauce creates slippery spots on the other. Please pass the gravy. A weight watch and indigestion warning have been issued for the entire area, with increased stuffiness around the beltway.
During the evening, the turkey will diminish and taper off to leftovers, dropping to a low of 34 degrees F in the refrigerator. Looking ahead to Friday and Saturday, high pressure to eat sandwiches will be established.
Flurries of leftovers can be expected both days with a 50 percent chance of scattered soup late in the day. We expect a warming trend where soup develops.
By early next week, eating pressure will be low as the only wish left will be the bone.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:20


Shannon said...

Very cute! I left a link to you from this post and copied the forcast too. Hope you don't mind. :) Oh... and Happy Thanksgiving to you! :) :)

Shannon said...

that would be forEcast. Excuse the spelling mistake and try to forget that I'm a homeschool mom. Scary!

Kara said...

I love your Thanksgiving forecast! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful:)