Monday, February 2, 2009

Gathering at the Well.... thoughts on Titus 2

Gathering At the Well

The Monday discussion At the Well today is to share our thoughts on Titus 2:2-5. How we see it playing out in our own life, our areas of strengths and weaknesses, and any goals we may have in relation to this scripture.

This is interesting timing for me, because lately I have come to believe more than ever that everything we are taught and asked to do in the Bible is to teach us more about God, our relationship with Him, and/or our eternity with him.

So while I take the instructions in Titus 2 literally, I also want to use the lessons in them to learn more about my Heavenly Father and my relationship with him.

The past two years have taught me the practicality of this mindset as well. Because of health issues with our youngest, life has often been interrupted for days or weeks at a time, and always with very little or no advanced warning.

When my greatest desire is to be at home, well.... keeping my home, and loving on my children, and living a quiet little life, and then that quiet little life gets interrupted, then I am frustrated.

When I focus too much on home-making and home-schooling and I don't accomplish all I think I need too, then I am frustrated.

But when my greatest desire is to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, and mind, and to keep his commandments (
Matthew 22:35-37, and Ecclesiastes 12:13), that can be done anywhere. In any circumstances.

Don't get me wrong - I am not discounting the instructions given to women in Titus 2. In fact, being the best wife, mother, and homemaker I can be is one of my deepest desires. But what I am learning is to not hold myself to certain physical standards, and instead keep an eternal perspective. To see what my relationships with my husband and children can teach me about my Heavenly Father and his love for me, and my love for him.

That is my goal.

That and cleaner floors, of course. ;)

Be sure to visit
At the Well for thoughts and encouragement!


Ashley Wells said...

I also believe greatly that " everything we are taught and asked to do in the Bible is to teach us more about God."

This is such a wonderful idea and I love pondering it!


Unknown said...

"But what I am learning is to not hold myself to certain physical standards, and instead keep an eternal perspective."

Excellent thoughts! This truly is key!

Thanks for joining us today... At the Well!

Kimberly Carpenter said...

Great insight!

As as sidenote, the lesson I needed to learn was in my "word verification" in order to leave this sh (restsh). I nneded to hear that! :) God has a way of getting his message accross some way or the other, huh!

Jennifer said...

Really thought-provoking post. Interesting how we all have these "standards" set for ourself (I need to accomplish this, this and that today)...that can be so self-defeating. I enjoyed your insights.

Kara said...

Very well put. I believe what you say is very true, sometimes we put to much focus on the "physical" instead of the spiritual.

Tereza Crump said...

Hi Amy, the other night I was up "spinning" like my DH likes to say (using the mouse to scroll down the blog pages) and I read Alan's story. I was sooo touched and it left a squeezed tight place in my heart. I am a person that likes to have an explanation for everything and this walk with Jesus has many question marks and whys. But I am learning to trust Him and love Him and then everything else falls in place even when I don't understand it. Thank you for taking time to share. God bless you and your family. Tereza