Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tub Update. And other tidbits

Last I left you we had a busted faucet and men gone out shopping for plumbing.

Here's what's happened since:

Before getting any plumbing, the menfolk had to take time out to participate in the Kid's Workshop day and build a couple of bright orange race cars.  Once that was out of the way, they proceeded with looking over all the options.  And came home empty-handed, but with a plan.

A plan that began with deconstruction:

Everything dislodged, disconnected, and disassembled:
Ready for tub exit in 3...2...
You haven't lived until you've watched your 500 lb bathtub roll out your front door.  Fun times.

As a fun side-note, growing up I had a knack for needing parental assistance almost every one of the few times my parents were unavailable.  Bedtime phone call that didn't disconnect left the phone line busy all night long? Of course I felt sick and needed an early a.m. pick-up from a sleepover.  Good thing I knew Nana & PawPaw's number. :)
Both parents tied up on a Saturday morning?  Let's back the car into a ditch!  Good thing I knew Nana & PawPaw's number.  

Sure there have been plenty of times good ol' Mom and Dad were there bail me out, lend a hand, and offer assistance.  But let them get out of pocket just once or twice and I was sure to have a crisis.  

So it figured that we'd have a major plumbing malfunction while they were out of town.  Very thankful, as always, to have Nana & Paw Paw to lean on, too. :)  (And yes, that's PawPaw helping squeeze that tub through the front door.)

Now, back to our plumbing issues.  As you see, our one and only human cleaning receptacle went out our front door Saturday evening.

Bright and early Sunday morning the whole gang loaded up and went to Mimi & Gramps' house for baths and showers.  Even from miles and miles away they were 'there' to lend a hand.  Or a tub.  

Since then we've been making do here and there, getting clean in various locales and ways.

Some of the smaller of us have enjoyed the kitchen sink, but we have a 5-yr limit on that. ;)
Long story short, an entire bathroom re-do is underway!  And rather spontaneously.  As with many home projects this one continues to grow, but we're excited to see what we'll end up with in the end!


Lisa said...

......and, the fun continues......

Kristin said...

HAHA! I can't believe Alan fits in the sink!

Arkansas Grandma said...

"Oh my goodness!"