Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just what I need!

I have been looking around me the last couple of weeks and realizing we have too. much. stuff.

So reading the following from Crystal at Money Saving Mom this morning came at just the right time:

Since I love to encourage simple living on my blog and because I also believe you save a lot of time and money by being organized, I thought it would be fun to include you all in my Clear Out the Clutter Challenge.
Starting tomorrow, we’ll be working through our homes room-by-room in an effort to ruthlessly rid our lives of unnecessary things. You’ll get to see real-time before and after pictures of my efforts (yes, I’m even going to show you inside my closets and cupboards–as humbling as that may be!).
I’ll also be sharing ideas for how to streamline your lives, keep things more organized and clutter-free, and how to make money and bless others with your extra stuff. In addition, I’ll be giving away some of my favorite organization resources and tools to some of you who participate in the Clear Out the Clutter Challenge.
Are you with me? Stay tuned for your first assignments tomorrow morning.
 I'll definitely be joining in!  How 'bout you?

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