I am really pleased with this week's update, since everything is growing great!
However, I am embarrassed to show the following pictures... our garden is a muddy, weed-filled mess!
Never-the-less... here goes....
The corn:
We have 21 plants (I think), with one half planted a couple of weeks after the first set. Except for the fire ants taking over the area surrounding one on the end, there are no problems!
The Lettuce:
I'm so glad the weather is staying mild and giving our lettuce a chance to make it. I planted it a little late. Other than being loaded with weeds, it seems to be doing well.
I started to photo-shop them out, but I thought that would be cheating. :)
And since I plan on attacking them with my hoe and my pincher grasp as soon as thegarden mud dries out enough to set foot in, I thought, "why remove them twice?"
The tomatoes:
Our tomatoes have done fabulously since setting them out a couple of weeks ago. I'm so happy!
And it looks like it is time to remove the cut-worm-prevention-cups from most of them.
However, I am embarrassed to show the following pictures... our garden is a muddy, weed-filled mess!
Never-the-less... here goes....
The corn:

The Lettuce:

I started to photo-shop them out, but I thought that would be cheating. :)
And since I plan on attacking them with my hoe and my pincher grasp as soon as the
The tomatoes:

And it looks like it is time to remove the cut-worm-prevention-cups from most of them.
The Marigolds:
Planted these around the tomatoes to ward off bugs. Looks like it may be working! :)

The Cayenne Peppers:
These 2 pepper plants were a gift from my Dad, and it looks like they will be the first thing edible to come out of the garden. I don't know.... it could be a race between them and the lettuce.
The Bell Peppers:
My 6 bell pepper plants are growing like gang-busters, but something is after them. Apparently they are too far from the marigolds! (I'm kidding. I think.) Any help here would be appreciated. I love my bell pepper plants.
Oops! I forgot to take a picture of the eggplant! I put out 6, but I think only 4 are going to make it. Not sure what happened to the other two. They were small to begin with, so it may have been the heavy rains. Or it could be whatever is after my bell peppers, since they are neighbors in the garden.
Also not pictured this week (because there is nothing but mud to take a picture of at this point), I planted cucumber, squash, zucchini, and - just for fun - pole beans at the beginning of this week.
My only hope is that the 2-3 inches of rain after that hasn't hurt them!
We also set out some petunias for the pots on the front porch and I'm going to try begonias in a very moist shady area we haven't had much luck with before.
To see how and what others are growing, check in with:
The Peterson Clan
Heart of the Matter's Friday Meme

The Bell Peppers:

Oops! I forgot to take a picture of the eggplant! I put out 6, but I think only 4 are going to make it. Not sure what happened to the other two. They were small to begin with, so it may have been the heavy rains. Or it could be whatever is after my bell peppers, since they are neighbors in the garden.
Also not pictured this week (because there is nothing but mud to take a picture of at this point), I planted cucumber, squash, zucchini, and - just for fun - pole beans at the beginning of this week.
My only hope is that the 2-3 inches of rain after that hasn't hurt them!
We also set out some petunias for the pots on the front porch and I'm going to try begonias in a very moist shady area we haven't had much luck with before.
To see how and what others are growing, check in with:
The Peterson Clan
Heart of the Matter's Friday Meme

Oh the rain and the weeds. Same story here! :)
I have no idea what that could be on your peppers. Hope you can get them out of there!
Looks great! :)
i finally got your prize in the mail today. sorry it took me so long.
Thanks for showing your garden... plants AND weeds!!! Makes me not feel so bad about the weeds in my own!
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