And that is that we can burst into song when a certain word, phrase or expression reminds of one. Like I said, Mom and Kristin are good. On the right day it can be like living in a musical.
Not that we go around singing all the time. I'm just sayin'. Sometimes it happens.
Are we the only ones that do this? Surely some of you are reminded of song lyrics in your day-to-day life?
So anyway, today at lunch, filling water cups for the boys I launched into the chorus of a hymn we sang at church recently....
"Fill my cup Lord - I lift it up, Lord!"
Dale, who has learned by now that hymns, like poetry, are often full of symbolism and imagery, knew that line couldn't mean a literal CUP.
So he asked....
"What does that mean? That we are POOR?"
I suppose asking the Lord to fill our cup reminded him of some poor (literally) soul on a street corner with their tin cup!
I am happy to say he saw no hint of laughter in my face or my voice as I explained what was really meant by those words. Because inside.... I was cracked. up.
I do have to admit that after explaining to him that the 'cup' is us or our spirits, and that God can satisfy us just like a drink of water satisfies our physical thirst, I started thinking that Dale was more right than I first realized... without God filling us with His peace, joy and LIFE, we are poor.
"Fill my cup Lord - I lift it up, Lord!"
Dale, who has learned by now that hymns, like poetry, are often full of symbolism and imagery, knew that line couldn't mean a literal CUP.
So he asked....
"What does that mean? That we are POOR?"
I suppose asking the Lord to fill our cup reminded him of some poor (literally) soul on a street corner with their tin cup!
I am happy to say he saw no hint of laughter in my face or my voice as I explained what was really meant by those words. Because inside.... I was cracked. up.
I do have to admit that after explaining to him that the 'cup' is us or our spirits, and that God can satisfy us just like a drink of water satisfies our physical thirst, I started thinking that Dale was more right than I first realized... without God filling us with His peace, joy and LIFE, we are poor.
Fill My Cup, Lord
Like the woman at the well I was seeking
For things that could not satisfy;
And then I heard my Savior speaking:
"Draw from My well that never shall run dry."
Fill my cup, Lord -I lift it up, Lord!
"Draw from My well that never shall run dry."
Fill my cup, Lord -I lift it up, Lord!
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
Bread of heaven, feed me till i want no more -
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
Bread of heaven, feed me till i want no more -
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
There are millions in this world who are craving
The pleasures earthly things afford;
But none can match the wondrous treasure
That I find in Jesus Christ, my Lord.
So, my brother, if the things this world gave you
Leave hungers that won't pass away,
My blessed Lord will come and save you,
If you kneel to Him and humbly pray:
Fill my cup, Lord - I lift it up, Lord!
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
Fill my cup, Lord - I lift it up, Lord!
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more -
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
I love this song...my mother had a beautiful voice and used to sing special music at our church all the years I was growing up - and this was one of her favorites! Such a great memory - thanks for bringing it to mind!
My family loved to burst into song, my daughters think I'm crazy when I do this. I've even been told to stop! LOL Dale's comment was so insightful...I just love listening to our little ones:)
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