To purposefully spend at least a few moments every day playing and talking and loving.
And I am happy to say, most days, that is happening.
But I want more. I'm not satisfied just to do those things. I want to remember them. All of those tiny moments that make up our days and weeks and months that pass so quickly.
When this little one has crossed over from baby-hood to childhood, I want to remember:
How his face lights up when we start a game of pat-a-cake and he grabs my hands to 'help' me clap.
The way he buries his face up into his stuffed lamb when it time to go to sleep.
The softness of those round baby cheeks, and how much we both like it when I stroke them.
The adorableness of those two bottom baby teeth shining when he grins.
How he looks around the room to make sure all eyes are on him, and sharing a smile with everyone present.
Photo credit: the pictures in this post and the previous one were all taken by my mom and her fantastically awesome camera.