Thursday, July 5, 2007

Cranky, camping copyrights!!

Alan had another cranky day today. He and I were home alone this morning while Greg and Dale went to Paris to run some errands. If Alan could talk, he would have said the same two words all morning: "hold me, hold me, hold me!" Pretty much as long as he was being held and toted around he was fine, but IF you could put him down he wasn't happy for long. Have you ever seen that Sharpie commercial where the baby cries everytime his feet touch the floor, so the mom has to do everything with one hand? That was me today.

But, Alan did have some very happy and very photogenic moments this afternoon after a particularly good nap:

We are leaving tomorrow for several days for a camping trip with Greg's mom, stepdad and our nephew Aaron. They brought us the camper (their previous one...hadn't sold or traded since getting a newer one) a couple of months ago for us to use to be able to get away here and there. We are so grateful...and so excited for the weekend coming up!

So - I tried to pack this morning, and managed to get our clothes for the trip washed and folded and sorted and ready to go. Greg and Dale came home for a late lunch, and then Greg had to mow. Yes - again! It seems like it comes at least twice a week, lol! It has rained off and on throughout the afternoon, suprise, suprise.

One of the guys' errands in Paris was to go and pick up our family portraits from a couple of weeks ago. I was sorting them out and decided to hang the largest one. I took down a picture in the hallway to replace with the new one. It has been there for a couple of years; Dale was about 7 months old in it - and it includes Greg, me, my mom, dad & sister. When I took the picture out of the frame, I could see DALE's little baby fingerprints all over the front of the glass, where time after time I have stood in front of that picture and let him point out who was who. It was just so sweet to me to see those little bitty finger-prints and know they belong to my Dale, who turned into a kid one day when I wasn't looking. :)
My big kid, being silly today for the camera:
One of our new family photos.... I took a picture of it to share here. I am such a rule-follower...I'm terrified Sears is going to come after me for a copy-right violation! We went to SEARS to get our picture taken. Please do not copy, reproduce, or sell for any purposes without exclusive permission. Lol. (sort of!) :)

I guess this page will be quiet for a few days..can't wait to share all of our camping stories when we get back!!

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