
Friday, August 3, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up - Week 3

We still weren't back to full swing this week after Alan's tonsillectomy last week.  This was a recovery week for him, full of pudding, jello, yogurt, & gatorade. He spent a lot of time watching the Olympics on tv, and laying around resting.

Dale kept up a full school schedule.  We are working these days on practicing turning in an all-around good product.  Not just slapping down the right answer, but working with a good attitude, putting in his best effort, and using creativity (unless it's math ;) ) and his neatest handwriting.  

This was Daddy's last week home so he spent a lot time reading and playing with all his kiddos before getting back to work. 

Our biggest projects this week have all been Olympics related.

Olympic Rings:

(Ok, so technically we did the rings last week, 'kay?)

Finishing the boys' joint Olympic lapbook:

And creating our Olympic Medals Count poster:

Color the flags...

Add a star sticker for each medal won!
(not nearly up to date, but we are working on it!)
And of course, watching as many events on tv as we can!

Hopefully we'll be back in full swing next week, with Daddy back at work, and full schedules for all boys!

Linking up with:


  1. Looks like a great week! And oh, I sympathize with the tonsilectomy! I hope he is feeling better; I had mine out at 20-something and I still think it was an overall more painful experience than natural childbirth (which at least was much quicker!).
