
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This Moment

Have you ever waited a long time for a trip or an event, and once it was finally underway you took notice of it?  "This is it!  I'm here!  It's really happening!"

I felt that way about my life today.  I looked around and thought, "This is it!  I am in the middle of the good stuff."

What I especially loved about the feeling was that the moment wasn't what one would think would prompt such a thought.  I wasn't snuggled under a blanket reading to my cherubs, or sprawled on a blanket in the sunshine blowing bubbles and imparting wisdom as they listened quietly with awe.

No, I was standing in my kitchen working on something, with 4 kids in 4 different rooms doing 4 different things. One of them interrupted my work with a funny thought that made him laugh.  It made me laugh, too.  And in that moment, in the middle of another day of housework, parenting, diapering, and schooling, it hit me, "I'm living the good life."

An abundant life more than I could have dreamed up on my own.

Remind me of that tomorrow when three out of four are crying, the house is a mess and lunch is late, 'kay?


  1. My hat is off to you for your discernment and gratitude!

  2. You are so right! Love your attitude! Adorable pictures!

  3. You are living the life you were made for that is for certain! Very wise of you to be able to appreciate it while you are still in it.

  4. Love it. And you. And all of them. :-)

  5. Isn't "leap year" wonderful? Of course Devine X 4 is pretty wonderful also.

  6. You have learned one of life's secrets---to be happy and content with your station in life. I am proud of you. Nana
