Monday, March 29, 2010

Where is the rest?

As I understand it, Sunday is supposed to be a 'day of rest'.

God told Moses way-back-when that the people shouldn't do any work on the seventh day.

And He asks us to faithfully attend church services.  I can honestly say that most times I am glad when it is time to "go into the house of the Lord"..

My problem seems to be that Sundays often leave my house a mess and me feeling behind before the week has even gotten started.

I usually pick out everyone's clothes on Saturday night, which helps us get out the door to church relatively stress-free and (usually) on time.  Breakfast dishes may or may not get done.

And then there is lunch and the afternoon, during which we like to watch Nascar races or spend time on the computer. 

Pretty soon it's time to gather everyone up and back to church for evening services.

After that we eat again and start getting everyone ready for bed.

And then I look around at a big mess and a stack of to-dos that will be waiting for me Monday morning.  

It seems an afternoon of 'rest' leaves me feeling more lazy and behind than rested!

Which has me wondering... how do you handle Sundays in your home?


Kara said...

I feel the same way sometimes! We have started putting aside 1 hour in the late afternoon or evening for pick up, just so we don't have a huge mess Monday morning. It doesn't always work though!

Michelle said...

Get up (7:30), breakfast, church (leave at 8:45).

We either eat before we get home (about once a month) or eat when we get home. Sunday is either left-overs or make-your-own. (such as sandwiches, soup, ramen, etc.)

When we get home (usually around 1), everyone changes into pjs. You can either take a nap (mommy and daddy) or play quietly in you room.

When naptime is over (usually 1 1/2 hours, about 3 pm) we all get up and work together to get the house in working order. Everyone has their "things" they are to do (set out clothes, pick up your own room, etc.) and then they come and ask me. We usually manage to get the house back together in just over an hour!

We leave for church again at 5:10ish. We snack before church, and eat supper when we get home.

Admittedly, it is MUCH easier now that my girls are older! When they were little, the ONLY thing that happened was nap. And that was a good thing!

Amy said...

Kara - glad to know I'm not the only one!

Michelle - thank you for sharing your routine! I suspect simply changing our Sunday lunch habits (pbj's anyone?) would go a long way toward keeping things orderly & restful.