
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sewing and Lemonade

I woke up thinking about sewing yesterday and have been wanting to get to it ever since!

So, I caught a few minutes while Alan was sleeping this afternoon and spent some time with my sewing machine.

After repairing a hole in Dale's pajamas, I followed
this handy tutorial, and made this grocery bag dispenser: Yay!

It turned out to be a lot bigger than I expected (even with me knowing from the get-go how big the fabric was), but that is ok... we go through a lot of plastic bags!

Speaking of looking on the bright side... my friend
Natalie recently gave me this award:
Thank you so much, Natalie! How kind!

Here is how this one works:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Nominate other blogs which show great attitude and or gratitude.
3. Link to the nominees.
4. Let them know by leaving them a comment.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your reward.

I nominate:



  1. THANKS SO MUCH....I will mention the award as soon as I get "the rest of my story" out tomorrow. Have a great evening, friend.


  2. Good for you!The plastic bag holder looks great!

  3. Thank you! And I love the plastic bag holder. It's cute & funcational too. And I SOOO need one of them--I think the bags are going to take over the house soon.
